Tips to combat the stress of newborn baby care

The 24 – hour newborn care routine turns your life upside down. In your life, your baby is a whirlwind of activity and excitement. Your entire day is consumed by feeding the baby, bonding with them, putting them to sleep, and so on. Along with the excitement & happiness, the baby also brings stress and fatigue into your life, which can be a little difficult for you.
Stress and fatigue can sometimes take the front seat and drive your life into a bubble of anxiety and problems. Most parents don’t know how to deal with the stress of newborn care and end up feeling pathetic and bad about themselves.

Here are some ways to cope with the stress and fatigue of newborn care:
Establish formal visiting policies for newborns :
When your baby is born, friends and family members come to your home to meet the new angel. Let them know which day works best for you, and how much time you have for the visit. Insist that the visitors wash their hands before holding the baby. Allow only trusted visitors to visit your baby while you rest from the newborn care routine. This will allow you to rest in between your hectic newborn care duties.
Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster
In just one hour, you may experience a wide range of emotions, including adoration for your baby, awe at her little fingers and toes, worry about your lost independence, and other similar things. There will be times when both you and your partner will become anxious and tired.
To help each other, you should discuss what is bothering and what is difficult. A movie night or a shared laugh may help to lift spirits with your partner. Even a short walk can help you unwind and connect more. You can also feel lighter by laughing with your baby.
Schedule some time for yourself
You will not have enough time for yourself as a parent of a newborn. You may not be eating and exercising properly. And this would be detrimental to your health. Eat a healthy diet, exercise daily, drink plenty of water, get some fresh air, to avoid this. Plan your sleep schedule around your baby’s needs. You can take care of yourself in this manner. Good habits will help you maintain your energy for the newborn care regime while also rejuvenating you.
Accept assistance
When friends or family members offer to assist, accept their assistance. Suggest some tasks for them to do, such as holding the baby, folding clothes, running errands, and so on. This would simplify your household chores and allow you to relax.
Give other relationships some time and space
You have devoted your entire attention to your child since her/his birth. As a result, your other relationships may suffer. If you have other children, make time for them as well. This would help you deal with the stress of the newborn care routine, while also giving you time to spend with other children. As a result, other children also do not feel left out.
Take your time for nursing your baby
Nursing newborns is time-consuming. You can’t learn it in a hurry. Take your time learning it and putting it into practice. Do not be afraid of change. While nursing your child, be active. You will gradually learn how to nurse your newborn properly.
Parenting is a challenge; you should accept it with grace as a parent. Even a good day might appear to be difficult. Parenting can sometimes interfere with your space, but with the tips above you can strike a balance between your newborn care and personal care.